Love the Game 6/15/2018 Results!

Hosted by Broseph Joe Brody as Brofessor X (you know, from that game where you’re him) and Wonder Dave, music by the Hoodslam Band

Referees Pat Downs as Fred Durst from Def Jam I guess and Wiggles as Tetris

  1. Super Stoner Brothers and Princess Peachy Wonder defeated Waluigi Faberino, Donkey Kal Jack and Wario Super Crazy
  2. Simon Belmont from Castlevania defeated Dante from Devil May Cry
  3. Booger Man and Tony Hawks Pro Skater 3 defeated Bane and Victor Zsasz from Arkham Asylum
  4. Pizza Noid and Ecco the Dolphin defeated Barrett from Final Fantasy and 2B from Nier Automata
  5. Conker from Conkers Bad Fur Day defeated Villager from Animal Crossing and Nathan Drake from Uncharted
  6. Noob SaiBatManuel, Sub-Zero, Liu Kang, Raiden and Sonya Blade defeated Ryu, Ken, Akuma, Sagat and Chun Li when Ryu turned on Ken

Watch it now on twitch, match 1 was MOTY candidate and Ecco the Dolphin is the future of wrestling.
