The Champion Ship

The realest title there ever was. Some awards boast a claim to countries or continents, but only the Champion Ship represents all of the seven seas, that which covers most of the Earth. For too long have world titles been overly land centric – its time that most of our planet, and our bodies, have a Champion Ship of their own!

  • whosoever wins the Champion Ship must become a pirate

June 5th, 2022 – Captain Johnny Butabi became the first laid claim to the Champion Ship by defeating Anton Voorhees in the finals of an eight person – one night tournament

May 5th, 2023 – Captain Joseph Janela defeats Johnny Butabi

January 5th, 2024 – Captain M Y L O wins the Captain Janela CHAMPION SHIP Under the Sea Open Challenge Gauntlet (#Water World of Warcraft)

This is Real