results: GLAM – Steeled Hearts 2/14/2020

Hosted by Anton Voorhees and Brittney Wonder

1. Lady K defeated Viva Van to advance to the finals of the GLAMpionship Tournament

2. Buggy Nova with Nurse Ratchet and their son Charles Montgomery Nova defeated Bryn Thorne

  • Post Match, Nurse Ratchet proposed to Buggy Nova and the two became engaged

3. Heather Monroe defeated Thicc Martel

4. Vulcana defeated Mazzaratti

5. Vipress with her lifecoach St Synclair defeated Jamie Senegal

6. Lady K defeated DARK Sheik and Aleyah Sweets to become the first ever GLAMpion

7. D-Rogue defeated Holidead to retain the Best Athlete in the Easy Bay Golden Fannypacks
