LIVE ON FITE, in coordination with Oakland Metro Operahouse

Hosted by Wonder Dave!

The debuts of Sawyer Wreck and Jonnie Robbie!

DARK Sheik and Vipress reach an ultimatum. Anton Voorhees returns from injury to active combat.

With Brooke Havok and D-Torch arrested for emitting dangerous levels of EMO, Brutal Rob Hands stands alone in this final chapter against the Federal Bureau of EMOstigations.

The Lost Treasures are now in control of Fuck the Fans after defeating the Stoner Brothers in a match for the much glorified prize of booking a show. What announcements do they have for us? How will the BOOM Gang (James C and the Stoner Brothers) react?

M Y L O defends the Best Athlete in the East Bay Golden Fannypacks!

Da Squaaad stands triumphant after Hop Daddy defeated Brittany Wonder for the GLAMpionship. What other cards do they have waiting under their three person six armed shirt sleeve?

Juice Lee will probably be there. Definitely Chupy [el Chupacabra].

Tickets on sale now on eventbrite, watch the show live on fite tv with a FITE+ subscription. There’s links to the left; they’re like totally convenient enough without doing it again in this sentence.
