Hoodslam Summer Tour Wrap Up!

We had a blast going place to place this Summer!  Our performers were seen in Detroit, Hollywood, Portland, Seattle, Las Vegas, Chicago and more all in the span of a few weeks!  Spreading the gospel of our little show, meeting people, going town to town… really touched our hearts, y know?  Making special connections… selling that merch… fucking those fans!  We look forward to doing more in the future, and it was a blast meeting all your special happy shining people!

Big shout outs to HorrorSlam in Michigan, Wrestling Pro Wrestling in LA, FreakShow Wrestling in Nevada, 321 Battle in Washnington, Dead or Alive Wrestling in Oregon, Freelance Wrestling and Kaiju Attack in Illinois! Heres a brief gallery of our exploits.  Check out all of those fine companies social medias and twitters and youtubes and see us on it!  Or go to @Hoodslam on twitter and you’ll see all of us retweeting their shiz about our shiz and then you can be in the shiznet!
