results: “WET” 12/27/19 Sexy GoodTime Wrestle Show

Hosted by Gortons Fisherman Voorhees and Enchantment Wonder the Sea-Dave

1. Captain Jack Sparrow defeated Captian Morrigan and then stole his rum

2. DARK MerSheik defeated Plus Size Captain Hook Martel

3. BeachTime Drugz Bunny defeated StarrrrrFishDust

  • Captain Morrigan returned and threatened to shoot Enchantment Wonder the Sea-Dave if he didn’t get his rum back.  A Killer Whale emerged and offered him a drink, which killed him cuz it was poisoned and that whales a killer.

4. Aquaman defeated the Creature from the Black Lagoon

5. Gilligans Island defeated the Wet Bandits in a life raft match

– The Killer Whale returned and killed both Gilligan and Skipper.  Cuz he’s a killer. The planet was then defended by Ecco the Dolpheen

6. Echo the Dolpheen defeated the Killer Whale after pulling his soul out of his blow hole i guess, i dunno
