results: INFERNO 11/4/22

it streamed LIVE/FREE at

Hosted by Broseph Joe Brody and Link to the Future Anton Voorhees, from the Oakland Metro Operahouse’s 10th Street and Broadway Ave outdoor location:

  1. Richard Shhhnary defeated Anton Voorhees
  2. Captain Johnny Butabi defeated Juice Lee to retain the Champion Ship
  3. DARK Sheik defeated El Chupacabra
  4. Vipress defeated Drugz Bunny after Anton Voorhees interfered
  5. Hip Hop Harry the Hop Daddy Harry Henderson defeated Alpha Zo in the Squaaad Off with special referee D-Rogue
  6. Pissed Off Nerdy Gamer PONG defeated MackDaddy M Y L O to remain He Who Holds the Golden GiG after DARK Sheik interfered
  7. James C defeated Broseph Joe Brody
