results: GLAM – Down the Rabbit Hole 5/10/19


Okay, we are boarding that door up!

Where to begin? I guess at the beginning. The night started off simple enough. We had a Stoner U showcase match where Rick Scott Stoner defeated BARTman.

Then Oinga Boinga welcomed the Oakland Metro Operahouse to GLAM – Down the Rabbit Hole and brought out our host The LINK to the Future Anton Voorhees to give us all a recap of the first 5 months of this crazy GLAM adventure. From women to men to Dragon Ball to childbirth to proposals to doors to other worlds… we’ve done a lot in just 5 months.

But down to business!

Vulcana Pro Wrestler def The Great Bambina after turning the canvas to lava and power bombing her onto it.

Lisa Lace / Shakira Spears and the rest of the Intergalactic Tag Team Champions, Da Squaaaaaaaaaad came out and called out Viva Van. Viva then let them know she found herself a partner… the biggest and baddest she could find, Brutal Rob Hands. However, the numbers game was still too great and Da Squaaaaaaaaaad won the match against Viva and Brutal Rob.

Buggy Nova and her son Charles Montgomery Nova came out to face Simone Sherie. Little Chucky ended up getting involved in the match and took a superplex off the top rope which brought out his OTHER mother Nurse Ratchet. With a brief break of focus Simone was able to roll up Buggy for the win.
After the match Buggy took Ratchet’s arrival to mean that the undead medical professional accepted her proposal and they shared an embrace… and then Ratchet left her again. Family is hard.

Heather Monroe came out for her debate with her usual disinterested attitude ready to “get this over with” but was adamant that Aleyah Mia Garcia was not to officiate it. So we let the fans decide. Out came Lady K ( Katarina Leigh Waters ) now in possession of BOTH the #SunKey and #MoonKey since they were left in the Sun/Moon Door after the last show. The Debate was on. Heather made some convincing arguments about why everything GLAM has done has been stupid and unprofessional and “not real” but the fans didnt seem to buy in. Lady K then made very good counter points about how GLAM itself was a world of fantasy and endless possibilities that were all very much real. Fans sided with Lady K (Shocker) and Lady K wins the debate.
Afterward Lady K informs us of her desire to open the door but needs a partner to unlock it with her. Heather suddenly seemed all too excited to be a part of the plan and gladly took one of the keys. When suddenly a wild Trish Adora appeared through the door! Trish looks somewhat terrified by her journey and tells us all we cant go in the door and we need to lock it. Lady K takes exception to this and hands Heather the other Key to argue with Trish… and Heather seemed very very delighted to have both keys.
And then a match happened!

Heather Monroe defeated Trish Adora and Lady K to now be the Sole Owner of the Sun and Moon Keys!
And then she just left… didnt go through the door but left it unlocked. Unnerving.

Main Event Time!
The Villainess Vipress def ‘Ultra Girl’ Brittany Wonder in the craziest turn of events so far. Just when it seemed Britt had the match won the Sun/Moon Door opened and out stepped a mysterious woman. She entered the ring and force pushed Brittany across the ring. She then seemed to… Possess? Empower? Brainwash? Vipress and Vipress damn near took Brittany’s head off with a kick to the skull.

And they did not leave back through that door. Whoever that powerful entity was, she is now here with us to stay and she has Vipress on her side.

What will happen next???

Come next month and find out!

Watch the whole event and all our past ones at the Hoodslam youtube or twitch page!

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