results: Fuck the Fans X – 10/4/19 Hoodslam

Hey, you can watch it before you read about it, pretty neat


Hosted by Broseph Joe Brody and Wonder Dave

Featuring music by the Hoodslam Band, known on this night as Squad Stewart

1. DROWNING MATCH: The Caution (DARK Sheik and Link to the Future Anton Voorhees) defeated Stoner Brothers (Scott Rick Stoner and Rick Scott Stoner)

2. I QUIT MATCH for BEST ATHLETE IN THE EAST BAY GOLDEN FANNYPACKS CHAMPIONSHIP: Hidden Gem Matt Carlos became the new champion when Sweet Boone said I Quit after an interfering Richard Shhhnary captured his dog Bernie Jr and put him in a crate and doused it in kerosene.  He then stole the dog.

3. DOG COLLAR MATCH to decide who is the one who holds THE GOLDEN GIG: Mexican Werewolf El Chupacabra defended his claim to the Golden Gig by defeated Sensei Joey Nuggs

4. INTERGALACTIC TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP: Da Squaaad (D-Rogue/Kenny K/Shakira Spears/Hip Hop Harry) became the new champions by defeating Cereal Man and Drugz Bunny in a match that was elimination for Da Squaaad but one fall for the then defending champions.

5. 30ish RUMBLE OF RANKING RAMIFICATIONS: Team Rocket (Jesse and James) won the over the top rope event, last eliminating Your Demigod of Death FunnyBone.  They’ve earned an opportunity to become the team who holds the Golden Gig on November 1st
