results: 11/14/19 Sac-Slam!

Hosted by Fly as Fuck Nuk Nuk Johnson, entriely refereed by Referee Isaac Isaacson

1. All That Keita Murray defeated Richard Shhhnary

2. WonderCats! Brittany Wonder and Joey Smoak defeated Nurse Ratchet/Otis the Gimp and Ryan Fergu-licious and Chris Blaze in a triple threat tag match

– post match, the former Ryan-O and now Ryan Fergu-licious turned on his partner Chris Blaze, again.

3. Mexican Werewolf El Chupacabra defeated The Big Ugly JD Bishop to remain the Beast Who Holds the Golden Gig

4. Juice Lee defeated Brutal Rob Hands

5. Whoa Whoa Dojo Sensei Joey Nuggs and HBKen defeated Stoner Brothers Scott Rick and Rick Scott Stoner
